Manage and use any BIM model information to compile custom project specifications and create dynamic project BOMs for comprehensive project definition.
Plan and run all processes related to budgeting, scheduling and resource planning based on the single source of truth - the BIM model!
Execute projects efficiently by easily conducting BIM model based purchasing, inventory management and managing your workers while fulfilling QA goals!
is the leading BIM model information based business management software (SaaS) for manufacturing, prefabrication of building elements and on-site construction.
The features of cover the project execution life-cycle - starting from BIM model based take-off and project specifications, providing tools for budgeting and scheduling and finishing with task management and real-time reporting from the shop-floor or construction site. has 4 role-based product packages:

Be on the forefront of construction management innovation!
3D BIM Models Supported and Made Useful
with a classification centric approach to data management, creating a single source of truth.
For Pre-fabricated and On-site Construction
with fully customizable modular and panelized project planning and execution processes supported!
Reusable Master Data and Templates
with central company management, supporting efficient and standardized processes.
100% Web-browser Based Cloud Software
with no installations needed, full functionality accessible on any device with an internet connection!
Various Integrations Available (Custom)
to various company ERP systems and other business applications, creating trully efficient workflows.
Flexible User Based Pricing Model
with role based functionality and monthly subscriptions - pay only for the functionality you use!